Answers to Your Questions
No, we do not offer a free trial. We spend significant amount of human hours to optimize your profile, create graphics and promote your listing. However, we offer affordable plans to get started.
We guarantee the committed number of calls / leads in Generate Leads service. If not, our services will remain free until we achieve the number of leads committed per month.
We will complete optimize content service within 4 weeks. You should be able to rank in Google search results within 45 – 60 days of the completion of the optimize content service.
You will get attractive posters to illustrate your message including headlines, bullet points, Facebook/Instagram captions, #hashtags and call to action buttons.
Google has a policy and process for businesses that have received suspensions on the Google My Business listing. In case we are unable to help you restore your business listing, we offer you a refund of 40% of the order value.
Our support is available 9AM – 6 PM on Monday to Friday on chat and email.
We will provide the graphic designs and post it on your profile with your approval for both Google My Business and Social Profiles (Facebook & Instagram).
We will be happy to discuss your requirement. Please send an email to with your requirements.